Monday, January 9, 2017

Langtang Valley trek still Possible after one year of Earthquake

                                                                      Beautiful Langtang Valley
Langtang National Park was the third most popular trekking region in Nepal after the Annapurna and Everest regions. This changed considerably after the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal on the 28th of April 2015.
Langtang Valley is now considered to be ground zero of the earthquake.
Just a few days after the earthquake the already damaged village of Langtang was hit by an enormous landslide and got completely swept away. And just like that, the biggest village of the region ceased to exist.

There’s been a lot of rumors and lies online on the world’s biggest traveling forums and guidebooks, that since the earthquake happened the Valley is closed for trekking.

That’s complete rubbish!!! The Valley is open for trekking!!

The people of lang tang Valley are still there and in good conditions despite of there unfavorable conditions they are still welcoming the guest as there god and letting them good services as they have been doing all time long many people even made there temporary settlement and working for business already.

The locals say that the only way they can continue their life is if tourists come back to Langtang Valley.
There are several Hikers and peoples who are now Trekking on the valley without any fears and helping the local peoples of Langtang. As the Local people says pray for the better of the valley to resume there lifestyle without any threats due to different unknown facts and medias from India rumored many unusual messages so it has been hard for Nepal to settle down the touristic business which is not a good aspect.

 we booked jeep from kathmandu to syabrubesi then headed out early in the morning with all our back pack and some foods and clothes for the peoples who are in need and we could help them.
After reaching there we could see the the damage done by earthquake and still people of langtang where happy and we could see them smile even if they have many burdens and lives of there loved one gone  then we slept that night.

Next day, We started trekking from Syabrubesi to kangjim to sherpagwan which is apprx 5-6 hour walk.Since,the old routes were destroyed by earthquake the peoples and government have helped and opened new route which leads to langtang Valley so we followed the new route which was recommended for the safety.

we start the day off with walking trough SyapruBesi, just following the road that leads to Tibet, but instead if going to the “Forbidden Kingdom” we have to turn right just after a military checkpoint, where they will check your TIMs card once again for tourist.

That path continues across a small hanging bridge before you start climbing, first will you reach the now completely broken village of “Wanga”, the village is no more than a pile of rocks after the earthquake.

After Wanga will you follow a newly built jeep road almost all the way to “Kangjim” that you will reach after about an hour after Wanga.
Khangjim has a few guesthouses and is an ideal place to stop for lunch.
The path continues up, and more up for another 2 hours until you reach the highest point of the day, a small pass at 2725m
After waling through the pass we need to walk for one and half hour leading to Sherpagaw the particular place has about 5 guest houses which can be accommodated.
Meanwhile,Next day we walk long hours journey to mundu which takes about 9 hours most of the places in langtang are unharmed and not much damaged unlike langtang valley and some places which are completely gone. It took a while and long day.Lama Hotel, Rimche hotel woodland were still open and they were in some what good condition to serve there business to the guests.If you do visit here you should bring some extra food while in the trail between Hotel Woodland and Mandu there were nothing much as earthquake damaged most of the places.

we will have to cross 3 landslides areas and the biggest on is the Langtang village.The paths are not so nice and need to do little more labour to walk pass those area.They mentioned that it will be cleared and soon it will be a better way to pass through when the reconstruction of path and housing starts.The path was not so much favorable so it's better to move faster from the landslide places and look at the derbies and rocks. 

After Mundu, we reach Kyanjin Gompa which is the last settlement in Langtang Valley where is possible to stay, it remains mostly intact with only a few guesthouses damaged from the earthquake. There still are about +10 standing guesthouses.It takes about 1 and half  hour to reach there from Mandu to Kanjin Gompa and the guest houses were good to stay. after reaching there we went to Tibetian stupa which is half an hour from kyanjin Gompa there were not much damage their even after eathquake then we head down and rest at kaynjin Gompa and Planned to return back the way we came.
Its still beautiful and becoming more wonderful....

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